Sortation Solutions

Sortation solution

Sortation is the process of separating products into specific designed lanes in order to arrange them for a more efficient means of distribution. This system is design for high quantities of product with the need to flow into different destination in a limited amount of time. In order to achieve efficient distribution, these systems are often composes with specific types of sorting technology with the mixture of different types of conveyors and operating system.

Our experts at Cheng Hua can design solution for your facilities. Our highly dedicated team of engineers can implement/install a turnkey project with a complete sorting system with a viable Warehouse Control System (WCS). Whether your facilities require a high speed sorting system or a low complexity system, Cheng Hua has the capability and engineering knowledge to deliver the best sorting solution possible.

Cheng Hua offers variety of sortation solution with our latest addition of MegaSort SS7, SX, SW3 and MB2 is highly efficient in sorting product with only less than 1% margin in error, smart data tracking from inbound to outbound and one drive is able to cater 150 sorting lane. It is also equipped with technology that can bring down the noise level below 75db.